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Our services

ORLID's mission is to provide businesses, decision-makers and researchers with the information and data needed for decision-making in strategic areas related to logistics and sustainability.

We offer companies the opportunity to support them in their initiatives aimed at adopting digital transformation, smart logistics and sustainable development (certification, labeling). ORLID members have extensive experience in implementing feasibility studies to be carried out in the field of logistics and supply chain management.

Supporting companies

Our multidisciplinary team has extensive experience in the field of logistics, sustainability and digital transformation.  We have helped several national and international companies in their projects aimed at improving their performance and sustainability. In this regard, we can support companies in their procedures related to:
* Market and technical feasibility studies related to logistics operations (warehousing, storage, handling)
* Approaches to implementing standards related to the environment (ISO 14000) or initiatives related to SCM (SCOR)
* Digital transformation, intelligent logistics, industry 4.0, improvement of the information system.

Research, data gathering

Companies and organizations operating in the logistics and SCM sector need to collect data on the sector in general or will require specific information on logistics process management. We intervene to make certain information accessible to professionals, researchers and practitioners.
We are trying to create a database and a monograph of national companies in order to facilitate decision-making and update sectoral studies by researchers and companies.

Training and workshops

Our services also include targeted training in the field of intelligent logistics and sustainable logistics to enable companies to adapt to the new challenges and potentials linked to this market. We offer specific workshops and training related to the following:

  •  Diagnosis of logistics processes and operations

  • Preparing for ISO 14000 certification

  • Adoption of an integrated QSE management system

  • How to develop a digital transformation approach

  • Use of digital tools in the logistics sector

  • Adoption of the principles of sustainable development in logistics and SC

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